South Derbyshire CVS’s Future Focus Project - 2025 Dates!

Do you live in South Derbyshire? Are you in recovery from drug or alcohol use?

South Derbyshire CVS’s Future Focus Project aims to support you in your recovery journey by developing and improving your confidence, skills, and resilience through new knowledge and skills.

New course dates, starting soon in Swadlincote and Hilton.

Swadlincote - 6th February 2025 &
Hilton - 27th March 2025

Programme Entry Guidance If you are 18 or older, in recovery from drug or alcohol use, and have a support agency referral, you are eligible to join this programme.

There are no formal educational entry requirements for the learning element of the programme.

Programme Duration Future Focus is a six-week training and support programme.

Programme Commitment You will be required to regularly attend, actively participate, and meaningfully contribute to discussions.

Programme Structure The programme includes three core mandatory foundation modules:

  • Personal and Emotional Resilience
  • Developing Independent Skills
  • Making Choices

In addition to these core modules, you will have the opportunity to complete additional learning around developing hobbies and interests, researching and accessing services and social groups in your local community, and identifying opportunities and participating in volunteering. This additional learning will be tailored to your group's feedback, needs, and interests.

You will also have the opportunity to attend an introductory session to Derbyshire Time Swap, a fantastic volunteering initiative that encourages members to ‘swap’ their time to voluntarily help someone else.

Programme Locations Future Focus is currently being delivered in South Derbyshire at locations in Swadlincote, Hilton, and Melbourne.

Programme Accreditation While this programme is not formally accredited, the three core programme modules form the basis of the AIM Quality Endorsed Certificate, which you will receive upon successful completion.

Progression Opportunities After the course, you will be provided with information, advice, and guidance to further non-accredited and accredited courses. Additionally, support will be offered to help you engage with community-based social and support services to continue your self-development journey.

If you could benefit from the South Derbyshire CVS Future Focus Project, get in touch with South Derbyshire CVS directly:
Tel: 01283 219761

For more Growing Recovery in Derbyshire news, be sure to like us on our social media!
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If you are a professional and want to make a referral: 
Please send all referrals via email to marking the message confidential.

Please ensure your email contains the following key information to allow us to progress the referral in a timely way:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of Birth
  • GP name and contact details
  • Details of any other agencies or services supporting the individual.



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One Life, mixed stark reflections on drug-related deaths & budget cuts with powerful exhortations to make sure the service user voice was properly heard.


The Growing Recovery in Derbyshire (GRID) website is designed to be a Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services gateway allowing anyone to find up to date information on drug and alcohol treatment services, recovery opportunities, mental health support and other useful services throughout Derbyshire.

We hope you find the information here interesting and useful as you travel along your own road to recovery.


If you need more information, please don't hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. If you have a simple question, we may have the answer for you in our FAQs.